Saturday, May 28, 2011

Exercise and Fitness for People over 60

What an Exercise Program's Focus Should Consist Of As We Age

What should we all be focusing on during our exercise programs? The answer is...there is not one answer that fits everyone’s needs. Generally speaking, as we get older, our primary focus should be on consistent exercise and a well-balanced diet. Exercise should revolve around what a person is "weak" in or needs to improve on. Some people go through life with no balance issues but have limited range of motion of their joints, where others simply don't have the strength to do one push up.

 As a trainer, it is my job to asses each client’s needs and design a program specifically designed for that individual. A person’s exercise program should always focus on improving strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and functional training. Picking which one(s), that have to be more emphasized on, is the key to a successful fitness program.

There aren't many, if any of us, that can work out the way that we used to in our younger years. We lose muscle tissue, strength, endurance and balance as we age. We are all unique and our fitness programs should reflect this. What's correct for one person may not be helpful to another and can actually be counterproductive. Be safe, and be smart when exercising.   

Don Demas is a Certified Fitness Trainer and owner of Demas Body-Shaping, Ltd and specializing in customized fitness videos, live streaming workouts, web-cam workouts and individual exercise downloads.

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